Direct Fruit Services B.V.


Direct Fruit Services. For the most effective route from grower to end user. Founded in 2012 and specialised in the marketing of pears and apples. We support our growers and packing stations optimally throughout the year to provide the best possible service for our customers. We work on the basis that each step in the process can best be carried out by specialists.
For maximum added value, we therefore work with specialised and experienced growers, refrigeration companies, sorting companies and transporters.

For more information on our products: Top fruit

As part of Staay Food Group , we innovate with exclusive varieties such as Red Conference, Early Desire and Dazzling Gold.


Direct Fruit Services B.V.
‘t Hoog 5
3451RC Vleuten
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 30 303 14 00

Top fruit